Many of you requested a single document containing the 10 articles in an easy to read Executive Summary format. Well here it is.
10 Ways To Find More Prospects: The e-book
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Thursday, December 28, 2006
Complimentary e-book: 10 Ways To Find More Prospects
Posted by
David R Ednie
6:51 pm
Monday, December 04, 2006
10 Ways To Find More Prospects (Part 10/10)
Never Eat Alone (Part 10/10). This has got to be one of the most productive and enjoyable, yet least used methods of prospecting that I know of. This is the quickest way to get to “privileged conversations” with a real exchange of information and ideas. I have found that people are far more open, honest with you and direct when they are relaxed and enjoying a nice meal.
Ask questions about them. The secret to being a good conversationalist and getting people to talk openly with you is very simple. Talk about them. Ask questions about them, about what they do, about their families, about what they like/dislike and about their concerns. Your sincere interest will be rewarded with information that is rich in fact, opinion, emotion and prospecting potential. Make them part of your network by building the foundation of a long relationship that you can come back to in the future.
Gain Industry and Market Intelligence. Ask them what they know about your areas of interest: eg. Market trends, industries, sectors, customers, projects and people. Ask who else do they know amongst their colleagues, associates and friends who may have the same interests, concerns, problems, etc. Always try and get 3 referrals before coffee. Do this right and you will come away with the equivalent of thousands of Euros worth of industry knowledge and market data, plus 3 referrals and a friend for life for a total investment of a 50€ lunch. That’s got to be the best ROI that I know of!
Lets assume that most people eat 3 meals a day and that most people work 5 days per week. That means that you have 15 opportunities to eat with someone per week. Set yourself a goal of: 2 lunch meetings, 1 breakfast meeting and 1 dinner per week. Start planning your agenda now! Good Luck and remember Always Be Prospecting.
Part 10/10 in French
Posted by
David R Ednie
7:56 am